thanks again for this great sound font! It is truely amazing what it sounds like already.
I have got several things I would like to discuss here.
1.) Samples normalized:
When examining the sounds in the sound font file (version 2.1), I noticed that the samples (the WAV files that make up the instruments) do not seem to be normalized. That is why there are instruments (stops) that are sounding rather loud while others are rather soft. In a new version of Jeux d'orgues: have you tried to normalize the volume level of the WAV files to make the stops have the same basic volume and make a better use of the 16bit or even 24bit resolution of the recording?
2.) Looping points:
This is somewhat difficult to explain.
We know that it takes the sound of an organ pipe a bit to settle (larger organ pipes longer than small pipes) and once this has happened the sound coming from the pipe can be looped to get a continuous sound. Looking at the WAV chart of my SF2-editor I have found that sometimes the looping point could be improved, in such a way that when the sound of the pipe has settled compared to the actual looping point of the sample are not optimal. One can hear a difference in the sound when the synth plays the loop.
Sometimes the looping is interrupted and the sound fades away. This is happening with the plein jeux especially.
I am not yet sure if this is a problem of the sound font file or a bug inside fluidsynth.
3.) The unda maris is gone in V. 2.1 - it was there in 2.0. Please, bring it back in next version, it is a real beautiful stop.
Kind regards,