Dear Jeux d"orgues Users
In my search for a usable VST-organ plugin I only found that Hauptwerk was available.
This is however an expensive and resource-killing aplication.
There were no freeware or shareware-solutions whatshowever.
So I decided to make my own VSTi
And I did. I came across this Jeux d'orgues Soundfont and found it very good.
for anyone that is interested in the VSTi:
It is freeware and downloadable on:
there's also some short sound-examples:
To use the plugin, just put the orgeltje.dll -file in the vst-plugins folder of your sequencer host.
if you need help using the plugin:
klick the text: speeltafel
if you have any suggestions, please post them on this forum!
Steven Gerrits (a dutch organist/musician) aka Kropjesla