What a nice surprise; just today when I installed the full version of HW, I was able to download and try this new version.....
It is really a nice welcome surprise for me in the HW!
At the same time I bought the small Schyven just to try out. But that was a waste of money. It is much too wet for playing! Strange, when you hear a recording it sounds ok, but as soon as you want to play yourself, you are not behind the console but hopelessly lost hoovering somewhere high up in the cathedral......
The SM on the other hand has a lot of character that reminds me much of the Forcalquier sampleset from SP which I have ordered but cannot wait to install. And this one is much cheaper....
The overall balance is very good. the only thing that I would like to have, is a swell pedal on this instrument.
But who knows, perhaps once I can master some XML to change the ODF.
These genre of instruments I like the most, because although they are rather Barock, there is also this typical French sound that already points the way towards the great C-C instruments !!
So with some improvising, one can really play a lot of French romantic stuff on it, while at the same time being able to perform some Bach works.
Thanks a lot , Joseph and Graham !!