New version for Hauptwerk 3 !

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New version for Hauptwerk 3 !

Postby admin » Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:05 am

Here you can test the HW3 version of Jeux d'orgues 2 (beta version), remastered
essentially by Graham Goode : ... ptwerk.rar

By the way, I would like to inform that Hautpwerk now provides a Free Edition of
its software ! You can use it to load the Stiehr-Mockers organ linked just before.


Joined:Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:26 am

Re: New version for Hauptwerk 3 !

Postby ggoode_sa » Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:11 pm

Known Issues so far... (these from Erik)

On the Great:
- Montre 8
G# below middle C till E above middle C: sudden increase in loudness and change in timbre compared to notes below and above
E above middle C: slight loop problem, some rattling
- Salicional 8'
From G# below middle C: sudden increase in loudness, but less that in Montre 8'
- Fourniture
Highest B: "artifact" kind of metallic sound at lower frequency
- Trompete 8' Bass
From G# below middle C: sudden increase in loudness, but less that in Montre 8'

On the Positif
- Cymbale
From G above middle C till next D: funny sound as release of a key; a higher harmonic?
- Hautbois 8'
From lowest C till F#: loop problem. Sounds like taraaraaaa.... when pressing a key
- Prestant 4'
Highest E: loop problem. Sounds like Tiititititititi....

And a typo on the Console Label ( instead of

If you find any other issues please post them here.


Joined:Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:11 pm

Re: New version for Hauptwerk 3 !

Postby GeertM » Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:02 pm


What a nice surprise; just today when I installed the full version of HW, I was able to download and try this new version.....

It is really a nice welcome surprise for me in the HW!

At the same time I bought the small Schyven just to try out. But that was a waste of money. It is much too wet for playing! Strange, when you hear a recording it sounds ok, but as soon as you want to play yourself, you are not behind the console but hopelessly lost hoovering somewhere high up in the cathedral......

The SM on the other hand has a lot of character that reminds me much of the Forcalquier sampleset from SP which I have ordered but cannot wait to install. And this one is much cheaper....:)

The overall balance is very good. the only thing that I would like to have, is a swell pedal on this instrument.
But who knows, perhaps once I can master some XML to change the ODF.

These genre of instruments I like the most, because although they are rather Barock, there is also this typical French sound that already points the way towards the great C-C instruments !!

So with some improvising, one can really play a lot of French romantic stuff on it, while at the same time being able to perform some Bach works.

Thanks a lot , Joseph and Graham !!



Joined:Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:26 am

Re: New version for Hauptwerk 3 !

Postby ggoode_sa » Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:05 am

Hi Geert,
You're welcome :D

You are also the third reviewer who would like a Swell pedal... I think that as the HW1 version had a swell most users who are familiar with the sample set are expecting one.

Other known issues (these two from Mark J):
Problem - on the pedals, the SubBass 16' plays an Ab rather than Eb when
I play the middle Eb on the pedal board. Fortunately, being off by a nice
interval like a 5th makes it not quite so disruptive to the playing.

Less critical issue - Maybe this is a characteristic of the actual
instrument, but I find that most of the stops on the Swell (all but the
Cymbale) drop off rather severely in volume on the upper half of the
keyboard. Depending on the stop, this occurs somewhere between the 2nd C and
2nd E above middle C. I notice the same problem in the HW1 version of Stiehr

Otherwise the feedback has been very very positive and complimentary!


Joined:Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:26 am

Re: New version for Hauptwerk 3 !

Postby ggoode_sa » Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:19 am

Right, I've done some thinking and a bit of experimenting and I have a solution that I think we can be proud of... while keeping the integrity of the original instrument intact...

I would like to propose that I make two consoles. One 'Original' with no Swell pedal, no Bombarde 16' or Subbas 32', and no G.O. Octave coupler. This will also have the original number of manual keys and pedal keys. Then the second console (I'll make it the default one) will be an 'Extended' manual with three ranks added to the Pedale (the Bombarde 16, Subbas 32' and a brand new rank... an Octave 8'). The Extended will have the manuals at 61 notes and the Pedale at 32 notes, with the addition of an enclosure and Swell pedal for the Positif, and the G.O Octave coupler.

This will not be a lot of extra work as the basic XML is completed. I could have a proof of concept ready this weekend...

What do you think?


Joined:Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:11 pm

Re: New version for Hauptwerk 3 !

Postby erikds » Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:14 pm

Joined:Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:11 pm

Re: New version for Hauptwerk 3 !

Postby GeertM » Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:40 pm

Graham, really nice that you will put so much attention to this lovely instrument!!
I am a bit spoiled, becaus I used to play it with modified samples form Graham H !
He made it stereo and also made completely new Bourdon and Montre stops.
And he panned it Left - Right.

Although I find this HW vesion very nice, it seems to me that everything comes from the middle.

Perhaps I do not hear it porperly??? So pls tell me if it is ideed mono smaples and no panning.

You were right about the Swell dep. getting a bit dull in the upper right.

May I suggest to cut the notes above g''' anyhow, beasu I find it a bit unnatural to have 5 octaves available.

I like the overall instrument so much, that I already come a bit short on the 8 presets. 12 or so would be even nicer.

And of course an enclosed swell dp would greatly improve upon playing romantic music !!!!!

many greetings, and thanks for all the works !!


Joined:Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:26 am

Re: New version for Hauptwerk 3 !

Postby ggoode_sa » Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:13 am


Work is progressing on the sample set, and here is a preview of the extended console, with the Stops rearranged for better voice grouping, and the additional Octave 8' in the pedale. I still want to do some work on the coupler stops and the wood work behind them, but otherwise this is almost done...


Let me know what you think :-)

Joined:Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:26 am

Re: New version for Hauptwerk 3 !

Postby ggoode_sa » Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:27 am

I got a bit of time this lunchtime to work on the Coupler images and that part of the console. Here is what I have so far:

It's looking good :-)

Perhaps I also need to do something with the pedal area to give the illusion of a bit of flooring?


Joined:Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:13 am

Re: New version for Hauptwerk 3 !

Postby mcjohnso » Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:41 am

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